Wednesday, September 27, 2023

An ode for a friend

In the realm of life's uncharted seas,
A man named KA, if you please,
At fifty-three, he walks a path untamed,
Bipolar storms, his spirit often maimed.

Once a lawyer, sharp and true,
In courtrooms, his eloquence once grew,
But now he battles a tempest within,
With Shafina Zaida, his love, his kin.

She stands by him with unwavering grace,
A loving wife, a stronghold, in this race,
Through the darkest nights and the brightest days,
In her embrace, his spirit finds its ways.

Oh, my friend, may the stars above,
Shine on you with tender love,
May healing hands and soothing light,
Guide you back to day from endless night.

In the tapestry of life's design,
May you find peace, your soul align,
With strength and courage, you'll reclaim,
The man you were, your rightful name.

For in your heart, the goodness thrives,
Though storms may come and test your lives,
With Shafina by your side, you'll see,
A husband and father, once more to be.

Let's send our wishes on wings of hope,
That his healing, a brighter scope,
A return to the man he used to be,
A good husband and father, once more to see.

In the depths of despair, may he find his way,
To a life of serenity, where troubles fade away,
With love and support, may he break free,
To embrace his family, as they long for him to be.

Though the road may be tough, with trials to endure,
In the heart's boundless strength,
we remain secure, For our friend, our hopes ascend,
May his spirit soar high, and his suffering end.

So, let us wish and fervently pray,
That brighter skies will light your way,
With love and hope, your hearts entwined,
May his spirit be redefined.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Siapa anda jemput dalam hidup anda?

They warned her, don't go thereThere's creatures who are hidin' in the darkThen somethin' came creepin'It told her, "Don't you worry, " 
Just follow everywhere I goTop of all the mountains or valley lowGive you everything you've been dreamin' ofJust let me in, ooh
Everything you want in gold
I'll be the magic story you've been toldAnd you'll be safe under my controlJust let me in, ooh
Just let me in, ooh

She knew she was hypnotized
And walking on cold, thin iceThen it broke, and she awoke again

you'll be safe under my control
Just let me in, ooh
Follow everywhere I go

Continuation, Lily, a new Vampire

(Verse 1)
In the realm of shadows, where secrets hide,
A story unfolds, on this mystical ride,
Through the darkness, I'll be your guide,
In the echoes of night, where our dreams collide.

Oh Lily, don't you worry, In this world so blurry,
We'll find our way through, With every step, I'll be there with you.

Lily, oh Lily, in the moonlight's grace,
Chasing stars, we'll find our place,
Hand in hand, through the endless night,
Together, we'll make our own starlight.

(Verse 2)
In the heart of the city, neon lights ignite,
We dance through the chaos, taking flight,
Through the ups and downs, we'll never part,
In this symphony of life, you're the beating heart.

Oh Lily, don't you worry, In this world so blurry,
We'll find our way through, With every step, I'll be there with you.

Lily, oh Lily, in the moonlight's grace,
Chasing stars, we'll find our place,
Hand in hand, through the endless night,
Together, we'll make our own starlight.

Through the storms that come our way,
We'll stand strong, come what may,
In your eyes, I see the dawn,
With you, I know I belong.

Lily, oh Lily, in the moonlight's grace,
Chasing stars, we'll find our place,
Hand in hand, through the endless night,
Together, we'll make our own starlight.

In this journey, wild and free,
You and me, forever it will be,
Lily, oh Lily, through thick and thin,
In this world of wonder, let our story begin.

In the depths of the night, where shadows intertwine,
Lily once walked, her heart a fragile design,
But now she's been seduced by the vampire's call,
In the realm of darkness, where her fears befall.

Oh, Lily, lost in the depths of the night,
Embracing the darkness, where stars lose their light,
She's traded her soul for a thirst that won't fade,
In the world of the undead, her destiny's swayed.

Lily, Lily, now under the moon's chilling sway,
In the land of the vampires, she's chosen to stay,
Innocence lost, as the shadows surround,
Her heart's become a crypt, in the depths underground.

She walks through the centuries, a creature of the night,
Her eyes gleam like rubies, reflecting no light,
No longer bound by the mortal's embrace,
She's found her salvation in the vampire's grace.

Lost in the depths of the night,
Embracing the darkness, where stars lose their light,
She's traded her soul for a thirst that won't fade,
In the world of the undead, her destiny's swayed.

Under the moon's chilling sway, In the land of the vampires she's chosen to stay,
Innocence lost, as the shadows surround,
Her heart's become a crypt, in the depths underground.

But there's a glimmer of hope, a spark deep within,
A memory of daylight, of where she had been,
She longs for the warmth of the sun on her skin,
To break free from this darkness, to let her soul win.

Caught in this endless night, Yearning for daylight, to feel the sun's light,
Though darkness rules here, there's a flicker of grace,
A chance for redemption in this vampire's embrace.

The world of the undead, where shadows persist,
Lily's tale unfolds, in the night's chilling mist,
Will she find her way back to the land of the living?
Or forever be bound to the night, unforgiving?

Monday, September 18, 2023

Doa permohonan sempena Ulangtahun ke 5x

Terima kasih, abang - kakak, adik-adik, sahabat sekalian atas ucapan dan doa kalian. Penulis kongsikan lagu ini, Sayap Illusi, liriknya amat menyentuh hati, bagi yg sedar & menginsafi diri...tak lupa juga doa untuk kita semua,

الحمدلله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام علي اشرف الابياء والمرسلين وعلي اله وصحبه اجمعين. اللهم ألف بين قلوبنا و اجمعنا على كلمة سواء يارب العالمين

Ya Allah..demi kebesaran dan kemuliaan Mu dan dengan asma’ a’zam Mu, sekiranya hari ini ada di antara kami, yang sedang sakit, maka dengan rendah hari, Engkau sembuhkan segala penyakit hamba-hamba Mu ini ya Allah..

Ya Allah..

Jika hari ini ada di antara kami, yang kesulitan serta kesempitan rezeki, maka kami memohon Engkau buka &  permudahkanlah rezekinya ya Allah..

Ya Allah..

Jika hari ini ada di antara kami yang hatinya sedang duka lara dan bersedih, maka Engkau hiburkan, tenangkan serta lapangkan hatinya Ya Allah...

Ya Allah jika ada dikalangan yg belum dikurniakan zuriat maka mohon Engkau kurniakanlah Ya Allah.

Ya Allah jika hari ini ada di antara kami sedang bergaduh dengan isterinya atau suaminya maka, mohon Engkau segera damaikan dan kurniakan jalan sakinah serta mawaddah antara mereka Ya Allah.

Ya Allah jika ada dikalangan kami yg belum berkahwin atau bertemu jodoh, atau berpisah dengan pasangannya, sama situasi seperti hamba Mu yang hina ini, maka mohon agar Engkau pertemukanlah jodoh baginya, Ya Allah.

Ya Allah..

Jika hari ini ada di antara kami sombong, iri hati, dengki dan dusta maka, bersihkan dan sucikanlah Ya Allah.

Ya Allah.....

Pengampunan Mu jauh mengatasi kemurkaan Mu, sedangkan Engkau Rabb yang Maha penyiksa dan juga Maha pengampun, maka sudilah demi kemulianMu, ampunilah dosa kami, dosa kedua ibubapa kami, dosa pasangan hidup kami, dosa ahli keluarga kami, dosa guru guru kami, dosa rakan rakan kami, dosa jiran jiran kami dan dosa kaum Muslimin dan Muslimat sama ada yg masih hidup maupun yang telah pulang ke Rahmatullah Mu. Semoga hidup serta mati kami sentiasa berada dalam kecukupan Rahmat Mu.

Sesungguhnya Engkaulah Rabb Yang Maha Pengampun Maha Mengasihani, Rabb penerima taubat. Engkau menjamin rezeki setiap makhluk namun tidak menjamin kecukupan  ibadah kami kepada Mu. Kami memohon cukupkanlah timbangan amal ibadah kami agar layak ke Syurga Mu dan jauhkanlah azab siksa neraka Mu.

Perkenankanlah bagi kami. Selawat dan salam khusus untuk kekasih Mu, Nabi Muhammad SAW mudah-mudahan kita semua berpeluang untuk memperoleh syafaat.

 .آمــين.آَمِيـٍـِنْ آَمِيـٍـِن يَآ رَبَّ آلٌعَآلَمِِيِنْ

Wednesday, September 13, 2023



Namun pun begitu kau tetapkan wujud
Dalam jiwa ku bersemi - Tak pernah lari!
Kenangan lalu, kubawa bersamaku
Merindu, ho-oh Bayanganmu

Di kala sepi mendatang
Tak dapat ku menahankan
Air mata ..kerinduan.

Semangatmu terasa bersamaku
Walau kita terpisah di dunia
Senyumanmu kini jadi tangisku
Tiap hari waktuku mencari,
ho-oh Bayangmu.