Thursday, March 17, 2016

Rindu Makkah & Madinah

Nah, it's not about the camera!

It can either be film, phone camera, low resolution cheap pocket-able digital cameras.

It's all actually about your ability to see -  new things, and to see old things in many different ways.

All photos taken using the Nikon 1 system + Ultra wide angle Nikon 6.7-13mm lens, hence the need to be really extremely close to the subject.

Have something interesting to say, say it clearly, ..through photographs!

Mudah-mudahan apa yang penulis kongsikan akan membangkitkan rasa rindu kalian untuk kembali menziarahi tanah suci, Makkah dan Madinah. Sekiranya ada ganjaran pahala dari perkongsian ini, penulis ikhlaskan kesemuanya untuk arwah isteriku, Neny Endriani Hj Bustamal.

Patutkah kita membiarkan hari berlalu pergi tanpa berselawat ke atas Nabi S.A.W. 
yang amat menyayangi umatnya?

Miswak seller @ Masjid Quba'
 Look through
View from the forbidden Staircase
 This is my home
Dhuha @ Masjid Nabawi
Fajr Prayers
Masjid Hudaibiyah
Remnants of Masjid Baitul Ridhuan built by the Ottoman empire

Early morning. Ignore the time stamp on the photo as it does not depict local time

Pilgrims circumbulating the Kaaba

These vegetables seem to be attractive subjects

Video Makkah (bukan milik penulis, tapi sangat syahdu)

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