Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Antioxidants and Kidney health

  • Shilajit: Known for its nephroprotective, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and blood pressure-regulating properties. It supports kidney function and detoxification but requires careful use due to potential interactions and quality concerns.

  • Neem: Offers protective effects against infections and toxins, along with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. It supports overall kidney health and may help regulate blood pressure. However, it can interact with medications and should be used cautiously.

  • Moringa: Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, Moringa protects kidneys from oxidative stress and heavy metals. It supports kidney function and maintains healthy blood pressure, with fewer known interactions and generally safe use.

  • Lingzhi (Reishi Mushroom): Provides nephroprotective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory benefits. It helps lower blood pressure and modulates the immune system, supporting kidney health. Potential interactions with medications and allergic reactions require careful consideration.

  • Honey: Contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce kidney inflammation and protect kidney cells. It may support overall kidney function and help regulate blood pressure. Generally safe with few interactions, but quality varies, so using raw, high-quality honey is recommended.

  • Olive Oil: Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, olive oil helps protect kidney cells from damage and supports overall kidney function. It also helps regulate blood pressure and supports immune function. Using high-quality, extra virgin olive oil is recommended for the best effects.

Each of these substances has unique properties that can benefit kidney health, but please consult with a healthcare provider.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Silver's revenge

Pilihan tepat untuk invest in Silver, Alhamdulillah. Inilah dana simpanan penulis untuk pengajian anak-anak. Ianya lambat tapi pasti (sebab penulis tak ada masa untuk monitor, simpan sahaja untuk merasa bayar zakat. Now its time to let go sikit and lepas ini  tak perlu bayar zakat perak lagi unless of course penulis tangan gatal nak beli jongkong perak lagi) but the experience gained is really worth it.

Nota: kiraan dibawah ini sedikit conservatif kerana mengambil harga purata, harga perak sekarang hovering around USD30-31.

The percentage increase for gold and silver from the beginning of 2016 to mid-2024:


  • January 2016 Price (approximate): Around $1060 per ounce (average for the year)
  • Mid-2024 Price (approximate): Around $1800 per ounce

To calculate the percentage increase for gold from January 2016 to mid-2024: Percentage Increase=(Mid-2024 PriceJanuary 2016 PriceJanuary 2016 Price)×100\text{Percentage Increase} = \left( \frac{\text{Mid-2024 Price} - \text{January 2016 Price}}{\text{January 2016 Price}} \right) \times 100 Percentage Increase=(180010601060)×100\text{Percentage Increase} = \left( \frac{1800 - 1060}{1060} \right) \times 100 Percentage Increase69.81%\text{Percentage Increase} \approx 69.81\%


  • January 2016 Price (approximate): Around $14 per ounce (average for the year)
  • Mid-2024 Price (approximate): Around $25 per ounce

To calculate the percentage increase for silver from January 2016 to mid-2024: Percentage Increase=(Mid-2024 PriceJanuary 2016 PriceJanuary 2016 Price)×100\text{Percentage Increase} = \left( \frac{\text{Mid-2024 Price} - \text{January 2016 Price}}{\text{January 2016 Price}} \right) \times 100 Percentage Increase=(251414)×100\text{Percentage Increase} = \left( \frac{25 - 14}{14} \right) \times 100 Percentage Increase78.57%\text{Percentage Increase} \approx 78.57\%


  • Gold: Percentage increase of approximately 69.81% from January 2016 to mid-2024.
  • Silver: Percentage increase of approximately 78.57% from January 2016 to mid-2024.

Best Performer:

Based on the percentage increase calculated from January 2016 to mid-2024, silver has been the better performer compared to gold during this period. Silver has shown a higher percentage increase in price, reflecting its greater volatility and potentially stronger industrial demand during economic recoveries and periods of global uncertainty. Gold, while also appreciating significantly, has slightly lagged behind silver in terms of percentage growth from 2016 onwards.