Monday, January 11, 2010

Music Play list in now on..

Dear friends,

I am currently bogged down with endless meetings and I am smack in the midst of drafting lots of agreements. Just came back from Putrajaya.. with more work! Ponat den dibuaknye...If I have not replied to any of your emails, bros & sisters, I am very sorry - shall revert to you guys, soonest.

In any event, I would like to share some songs that I love. Do check them ourt especially the latest version of ESQ Asmaaul Husna. It is unfortunate that "Demi Matahari" and "Hanya PadaMu", both by Snada are not available. The play list is located at the bottom of this page. It should start automatically. You may click on the names of the song to select a song that you want to listen to. It may or may not, work - all depends on your internet connection and the availability of the server that stores that particular song on the playlist. It may need a few clicks... :-).

Till then, take care.

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